Are you enjoying your single life?
Singleness can mean different things to different people based on age, gender, accomplishment, and where they are in their single life. Some singles expect to be in a relationship, engage, married maybe with kids by a certain age, and if that has not happened within their time frame, then their single life may not be one of contentment. Others are dealing with peer pressure caused by family and friends’ expectations about where their life should be; either way, it can be some stressful times in a singles life.
What are you doing during your single life?
It’s your time to focus on the things you would like to do and accomplish. Such as completing an education, changing career, traveling, starting a business, getting out of debt, purchasing a home, volunteering your time in a worldly cause, the possibilities are endless. You have the time now to do what you want without affecting anyone else. Once in a romantic relationship or married, things change; other priorities take their place and become more important.
People have shared that they wish they would have done some of the things they wanted to do while single; because now, in a relationship, their partner is not in agreement with them pursuing those dreams.
Singles usually don’t need to be concern about asking or getting permission from others for things they want to do. However, some singles have certain responsibilities that will require addressing with others.
We know that some singles have certain restrictions if they are a single parent or have other responsibilities like being a caregiver to an elderly parent or supporting relatives financially. Yet, as singles, the opportunities are endless; therefore, this is their time to take advantage of it.
Do you feel lonely? Many singles feel lonely because they are not in a romantic relationship or married; however, marriage is not the answer to loneliness. You must be happy within yourself as an individual before considering marriage. They are many married couples who feel lonely, and if marriage is not your desire, we will explore what your passions are and help you accomplish them. As a single person, this is your time; live it, and enjoy it for the season it’s intended.
I can help you see your singleness for the time it’s intended to be in — with a brand new lensed. Showing you how to enjoy this time by focusing on the things you would like to accomplish and to prepare you for that romantic relationship if this is something you are interested in pursuing.